DeSoto ISD Implements Temporary No-Backpack Policy for Secondary Campuses

DESOTO, TX – DeSoto Independent School District has announced a temporary ban on backpacks across all secondary campuses, effective Monday, March 3, through Friday, March 7.

According to district officials, the policy is being implemented as a precautionary measure to minimize potential distractions and concerns leading up to Spring Break.

Students who arrive with a backpack will not be permitted to store it on campus and will be required to return home. To ensure a smooth transition, security personnel will maintain an active presence throughout the week.

Additionally, the district is requesting that parents arrange for student pickups as close to the end of the school day as possible.

In a statement, DeSoto ISD reaffirmed its commitment to student and staff safety:

“DeSoto ISD is dedicated to fostering a secure and productive learning environment. We fully support the criminal prosecution of any individual who poses a threat to our students, staff, or campuses.”

The district encourages parents and students to stay informed and comply with the temporary policy to ensure a safe and orderly school environment.

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