Category Archives: Promoreel Story

KLIF Morning News: Shelley Luther’s Support

KLIF Morning News: Shelley Luther’s Support

0:29 — The attorney for Shelley Luther, Warren Norred, joined Amy & Scott to talk about why the salon owner is in jail, how much support she has received from other Texans, and what their plan moving forward is in terms of appealing the judge’s decision. 9:49 — State Representative Matt Shaheen (R-Plano) joins the…MORE

KLIF Morning News: Kay Granger Joins The Show, and Hair Salons are Back!

KLIF Morning News: Kay Granger Joins The Show, and Hair Salons are Back!

0:29 — In today’s KLIF notes, Amy and Scott talk about the Governor’s plan to reopen salons and other businesses by the end of the week. We also talk about the Dallas salon owner who’s now in jail because of defying Dallas County’s order to stay closed. 9:15 — Congresswoman Kay Granger joins the show…MORE

KLIF Morning News: Colleges Struggling, Texans Giving, and Poops Changing

KLIF Morning News: Colleges Struggling, Texans Giving, and Poops Changing

0:28 — Could colleges be going bankrupt soon because kids are afraid to go back due to COVID-19? David Dillard from KD College Prep joined Amy & Scott to talk about the struggles many are facing, and what kinds of strategies universities are taking to convince kids to enroll. 10:07 — North Texas Giving Day…MORE

KLIF Morning News: Restaurants are Back, but Some Say Sex Shouldn’t Be

KLIF Morning News: Restaurants are Back, but Some Say Sex Shouldn’t Be

0:29 — Many restaurants opened this weekend as part of Governor Abbott’s reopening Texas plan. John Kinch owns Community Grille in Frisco and joined Amy & Scott to talk about how busy it was and the positive energy surrounding the reopening. 9:28 — Sexologists (yes, that’s a real thing) are advising people to do THIS…MORE

KLIF Morning News: Injecting Disinfectant, Defying Dallas, and Movie Reviews

KLIF Morning News: Injecting Disinfectant, Defying Dallas, and Movie Reviews

0:26 — In today’s KLIFnotes, Dave & Scott talk about the President’s Coronavirus news conference, where he discussed the potential for longer social distancing guidelines. And Scott is irritated with how so many people are interpreting the “Injecting disinfectant” comments. That, plus much more. 9:17 — A North Dallas salon is defying Dallas County (and…MORE

KLIF Morning News: Betsy Price, and Who Trumps Who?

KLIF Morning News: Betsy Price, and Who Trumps Who?

0:25 — Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price joins Dave & Scott to talk about a local bar that says it’s opening May 1st and called the coronavirus “nonsense.” She also talks about her self-quarantine after testing negative for COVID-19. 8:07 — Whose rules reign supreme: Governor, County Judge, or Mayor? Lots of confusion floating around,…MORE

KLIF Morning News: Surgeon General, and Holding China Accountable

KLIF Morning News: Surgeon General, and Holding China Accountable

0:26 — US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams joined Dave & Scott to address a lot of the misinformation surrounding COVID-19, including how different it is from the flu, why it’s affecting people of color more, and much more. 9:41 — A North Texas Congressman has drafted a bill that is designed to hold China…MORE

KLIF Morning News: Oil Plunges, and Hospital Fear Skyrockets

KLIF Morning News: Oil Plunges, and Hospital Fear Skyrockets

0:25 — The price of oil is LITERALLY cheaper than free. What does that mean for the industry and investors? Financial expert Derrick Kinney makes sense of it all. 7:07 — More and more sick people are becoming too scared to go to the hospital because of COVID-19. Dr. John Roland is an ER doctor…MORE

KLIF Morning News: Reopening Texas, and Goodbye (again) XFL

KLIF Morning News: Reopening Texas, and Goodbye (again) XFL

0:25 — Texas is re-opening! Slowly…but surely. State Representative Matt Shaheen from District 66 in Plano joined Dave & Scott to talk about the Governor’s plan, as well as the state legislators’ role in getting Texas back to normal. 7:07 — One of the many casualties of the coronavirus was the XFL, which filed for…MORE