Category Archives: National Top Stories

LISTEN LIVE: U.S. Supreme Court Now Hearing Arguments That May Determine Donald Trump’s Future Likelihood on Ballots This November.

LISTEN LIVE: U.S. Supreme Court Now Hearing Arguments That May Determine Donald Trump’s Future Likelihood on Ballots This November.

The U.S. Supreme Court is now engaged; hearing arguments on the high stakes case concerning the eligibility of former President Donald Trump to be on ballots. The justices are considering whether they will rule Trump restored on Colorado’s primary ballot, after that state’s Supreme Court removed him citing the 14th Amendment “insurrectionist clause” for his…MORE

Consumer Prices Up More Than Expected

Consumer Prices Up More Than Expected

Consumer prices rose 0.3% in December, higher than expected, pushing the annual rate to 3.4% Consumers paid more than expected in Decmeber for a variety of goods and services, pushing the Consumer Price Index .3% for the month, higher than the .2% estimate in a time policymakers and economists see inflation related pressures easing. Fox…MORE

Texas vs Chicago: Abbott Flies Migrants to the Windy City.

Texas vs Chicago: Abbott Flies Migrants to the Windy City.

By Kimberly James; WBAP and KLIF News, Dallas, Texas. CHICAGO – (WBAP/KLIF) – Another Lone Star State delivery of migrants to a northern big city, with 120 flown from Texas to Chicago Wednesday, as Texas Governor Greg Abbott chooses a flight, rather than continuing to bus them. Chicago officials were left scrambling to pick up…MORE

Texas Wins Latest Legal Round Concerning Border Razor Wire

Texas Wins Latest Legal Round Concerning Border Razor Wire

By Kimberly James; WBAP and KLIF News, Dallas, Texas. AUSTIN – (WBAP/KLIF) – The Texas office of Attorney General wins another round in court in it’s efforts to keep in place concertina, or razor wire, on the banks of the Rio Grande. It was placed by Texas with the stated intent of stopping the illegal…MORE