North Texas Food Bank Experiencing Continued Uptick in Demand

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) – The North Texas food bank is  experiencing a continued increase in demand as the coronavirus pandemic impacts the local economy.

With the pandemic prompting pay cuts, furloughs, and layoffs many North Texans are struggling to put food on the table.

“We have really seen an uptick as far as people needing support,” Anna Kurian with NTFB said.

Lines at mobile food pantry’s are getting longer, like the one held Thursday at UNT Dallas. The National Guard is helping distribute the food.

“Not only are they helping us here at these actual distributions but they are also helping us at both of warehouse facilities day after day,” Kurian said.

NTFB strives to make about 60,000 food boxes a week

According to the food bank, mobile pantry participants are required to give their name, share their family size, and meet income requirements to receive food. No proof is necessary, the process is a self-declaration.

Kurian expects high demand to continue well after the pandemic is over.

“Even when people go back to work there will still be a whole subset of people who need support because they’ve been living either paycheck to paycheck or unemployment check to unemployment check and really dipping into their savings.

The Food Bank has other distribution events planned in coming days and weeks.

Listen to Clayton Neville’s story below:

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