Governor Abbott Declares Executive Order for Entire State: Closures of Bars, Dine-in Restaurants, Gyms, Schools

AUSTIN (WBAP/KLIF)- Governor Greg Abbott has issued an Executive Order for the entire State of Texas to stop the spread of COVID-19.

He said all bars, dine in restaurants, gyms and schools in Texas must close for at least 2 weeks. “Drive thru, pick up and delivery options is allowed and highly encouraged throughout the limited duration of this Executive Order,” Abbott said.

The order also limits visits to nursing and retirement homes unless it’s for critical assistance. It will go into effect Friday at midnight and will last until April 3rd, with a possible extension.

He also urges everyone to limit groups to no more than 10 people. “This Executive Order does not prohibit people from going to grocery stores or gas station, parks or banks. All critical infrastructures will remain open, Domestic travel will be unrestricted,” said Abbott.

Abbott said it’s critical that we all remain calm and responsible with a unified response to fight the spread of COVID-19.

The last time a public health disaster was declared in the state of Texas was in 1901.

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