FORT WORTH (WBAP/KLIF) – The Fort Worth Fire Department was called out to the 4800 block of Overton Ridge Boulevard on Wednesday afternoon after getting a call about someone being unconscious. When the fire crews arrived they found high levels of carbon monoxide and evacuated everyone the building. Reports state that say that 20 people were tested for carbon monoxide but only one person was taken to the hospital for further treatment.
Mike Drivdahl with the Fort Worth Fire Department says the high levels of carbon monoxide led to the hazmat team being called out: “when our hazmat team arrived, they continued to monitor the buildings around the initial building. They were also able to turn a faulty natural gas appliance off that was the source of the carbon monoxide.” Drivdahl says that carbon monoxide is commonly referred to as the silent killer: “CO is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas so it’s very hard to detect with out meters. It’s often called the silent killer because you don’t know that you’re being poisoned until you start showing symptoms.”
Drivdahl stresses the importance of being aware of your heating appliances year round but especially during this time of the season.
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