Dallas Police Department Honors Fallen Officers on Police Memorial Day

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF News) – The Dallas Police Department held services late Wednesday morning to honor fallen officers on Police Memorial Day.

The event recognizes the sacrifices made by Dallas officers who’ve given their lives in the line of duty, including the five officers killed in the July 7th ambush.

Hundreds of people gathered for the ceremony, which started with a march through downtown Dallas to the Police Memorial on Akard Street.

During the ceremony, police read the names of officers killed in the line of duty and Mayor Mike Rawlings read a proclamation to mark National Police Week.

“The Dallas Police Department is made up of a group of passionate professionals. City officers are heroes who keep our families and neighborhoods safe by putting their lives on the line” he said.

Interim Chief David Pughes said officers leave home every day not knowing if they’ll come back. He said that was no more apparent than last July.

“We experienced the worst day in our department’s history,” he said.

The names of the four officers killed were added to the memorial near City Hall.

The event concluded with the playing of Taps, a 21-gun salute and a flyover by the Dallas police helicopter Air One.

DART will hold a special ceremony Thursday for Officer Brent Thompson, who was also killed during the attack.

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