Police Applications Are Down Nationwide, Except For in Dallas

DallasPoliceDepartmentDallas (WBAP/KLIF News) – Police recruiting in major and large American cities is hurting, but in Dallas, it’s the opposite.  Applications are way up since the July 7th attack.

Retired FBI agent and author Bobby Kimbrough says he thinks a lot of that has to do with Chief David Brown’s leadership.

“I think Dallas is a unique situation,” said Kimbrough, “because the people are responding to the request of the police chief.  The people realize that in Dallas, officers were the victims of someone else’s hate.”

Brown called for people to join the DPD, so they could help police their own neighborhoods.

Still, Kimbrough says if Dallas, and other departments across the country are to fill their future openings, they’re going to have to increase officers’ salaries.

“Quite naturally, state officers, and especially federal agents make a lot more than local city officers.  By no means are they paid what they’re worth, or even what the market value calls for, for the job that we do.”

The DPD got nearly 500 applications between July 8th and the 20th, a 300%+ increase.

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