UPDATE: Madison Police now identify the shooting suspect as a 17 year old female student found dead when they entered the school. Officials now confirm 2 people were killed in the shooting; a teenaged student and a teacher. Several more are hospitalized; reports place the injured between six and nine others.
UPDATE: Madison Police now report two people killed; six injured receiving treatment for wounds; juvenile gunman reported among the two dead.
UPDATE: Madison Police now report four people killed; as many as seven taken to hospitals for treatment; juvenile gunman reported dead.
MADISON – (WBAP/KLIF) – Unconfirmed reports indicate two people have died in or following a school shooting at Madison Wisconsin’s Abundant Life Christian School today, with other victims likely.
A public safety alert went out at 11:20 a.m. to phones in the area announcing “activity” and asking the public to stay away from an area around the schoo.l
Abundant Life Christian School in Madison was founded in 1978, and teaches children from Kindergarten through Grade 12.
More details as they become available in this developing story.
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