WASHINGTON – (WBAP/KLIF) – President Joe Biden says he’s staying in the presidential race, and “no one is pushing me out. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.”
That was among Biden’s statements to campaign staffers Wednesday, as talk continues surrounding Biden’s performance in the recent debate with former president Donald Trump. At times in that debate, Biden appeared confused and/or meandering in his statements. Biden staff attributed the less than stellar debate performance as symptoms of a cold and following international travel.
Discussion continues among some in the Democrat party as to whom would replace Biden this late in the political season, with the election scheduled in November to elect the nation’s president for the next term. Key Democrats continue to support Biden.
Bloomberg reports dozens of House Democrats are considering signging a letter urging Biden to withdraw from the race. Bloomberg reports “increasing internal pressure and dsiappointment from Democratic donors and lawmakers have been mounting against biden and his campaign team after the president’s lackluster performance at last week’s presidential debate”. The Bloomberg report follows that from the New York Times in which Biden is alleged to have told a key ally he is weighing whether to remain in the race.
The Boston Globe features an op-ed piece published Wednesday; stating, “… while the party is demoralized, panicked, and angry, there is a ray of hope. A bevy of potential candidates – from vice-president Kamala Harris to the governors of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and California, to name only a partial list – are waiting in the wings to take on Trump.” The Globe follows the New York Times in calling on Biden to step aside and allow another Democrat to run for the office of the presidency.
The Washington Post reports Republican candidate Trump and his campaign staffers hope Biden stays in the race, believing Trump can beat Biden, “even with Trump’s felony conviction and other charges”. The Post suggests the Trump campaign may ramp up attacks on Vice President Harris in a bid to further diffuse chances of a Democrat winning the presidential race.
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