Texas House Green Lights Border Bill Allowing State to Start Deportations, $1.5 Billion for Border Barrier and Security

AUSTIN (WBAP/KLIF News ) – House lawmakers sent a controversial bill to Governor Greg Abbott’s desk on Tuesday that would make unauthorized entry into Texas a class B misdemeanor.

Senate Bill 4 enhances the charge to a felony if the offender is accused of other crimes or refuses to comply with a judge’s order to return to Mexico.

Critics argue the bill encroaches on federal powers and will likely face legal challenges once its signed into law.

Democrat State Representative Victoria Neave of Dallas has been a long-time critic of SB4.

“Our families have had to defend ourselves against legislation that calls us thieves for doing what our nation’s founding fathers did before us and that’s seeking a better life in this country,” she said.

Republican State Representative David Spiller of Jacksboro argued in favor of it.

“It’s a landmark bill that allows Texas to send illegal immigrants back,” he said.

The House also approved Senate Bill 3 which allots $1.5 billion towards a 100-mile expansion of a border wall and other barriers.

It also provides $40 million for Texas Department of Public Safety troopers participating in Operation Lone Star, a state-lead border security agenda initiated by Governor Abbott.

The bill will go back to the Senate to vote on an amendment by Democrat Representative Tracy King of Uvalde, which allow some of the appropriations made in the bill to be put towards grants for local governments in their costs of prosecuting migrants under the new legislation.

The moves are considered a win for Governor Abbott, who listed border security as one of his priorities amid the fourth special legislative session this year.

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