Dallas Based Foundation Launches Initiative to Return Vibrancy to Downtown

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) – A Dallas foundation is working to restore vibrancy to downtown as the city moves out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Downtown Dallas, Inc. on Thursday announced the launch of its Public Safety Summer Operations Plan to address quality of life and public safety challenges as hundreds of thousands of workers and tourists continue to return to Downtown.

“Public safety is and always will be our first priority,” said Kourtny Garrett, DDI President & CEO. “Downtown has historically been one of the safest areas of our city and we are determined to keep it that way through the good work of our field team members, including Downtown Security, Clean Team, Homeless Outreach, and our new DDI Ambassadors.”

The plan includes improved coordination and information sharing with Dallas police, including DDI “hot spot” locations based on patrols and complaints. DDI will fund additional off-duty uniformed Dallas police patrols during peak hours. The foundation also plans to enhance communications and marketing promoting the DDI “SEE SAY NOW” app. Increased on-duty Dallas police park checks and enforcement of park rules are also a critical part of the plan.

DDI announced a the addition of Homeless Outreach Team staffing to boost DDI’s successful “relate and refer” strategy of engaging shelter-resistant and mentally ill individuals living Downtown.

The initiative is being led by DDI Vice President of Public Safety & Field Operations Albert Sanchez, a former 10-year veteran of the Dallas Police Department who joined DDI in 2019.

“It is no secret that Dallas and other major cities across the country often anticipate an uptick in crime heading into the warmer summer months. This does not have to be a foregone conclusion,” Sanchez said. “That is why it is so important for us to be proactive and intentional about how we address quality of life concerns.”

The operation will run within the Downtown Improvement District (DID), bounded by I-345 on the east, I-30 on the south, North Stemmons Freeway on the west and Woodall Rodgers Freeway on the north.

Listen to Clayton Neville’s story below:

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