State Health Officials Launch Massive Ad Campaign to Get More Residents Vaccinated Against COVID-19

AUSTIN (WBAP/KLIF News) – State health officials are pouring money into an effort to get more Texans vaccinated against COVID-19.

According to the Associated Press, they’ll spend $1.5 million on radio and television ads including commercials aimed at specific groups of Texans who are the least likely to be vaccinated based on research.

State Health Officials are also hosting the first of 22  pop-up events in Walmart parking lots across Texas to engage with communities and get residents inoculated.

It’s an effort that comes at a time when health officials in North Texas have said COVID-19 vaccine supply is outweighing demand.

Collin County spokesman Tim Wyatt said thousands of appointments are available at the drive-thru vaccination site at Clark Stadium in Plano.

“It’s a self-administered appointment you can pick your time and day based on what’s available and there’s plenty of availability right now. It’s a lot more convenient than the waiting list was,” he said.

It’s a similar situation in Dallas County, where some vaccine sites are offering same day registration appointments.

Many North Texas providers have transitioned from the wait lists to vaccine schedulers to help make it easier for residents who want the shot to get it.

Copyright 2021. WBAP/KLIF News. All Rights Reserved. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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