Vice President Mike Pence Speaks at Dallas ‘Celebrate Freedom’ Rally

Vice President Mike Pence Speaking at First Baptist Dallas

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF NEWS)- The Vice President took a visit to Dallas Sunday morning to speak at a Dallas church and meet with state leaders to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mike Pence spoke at First Baptist Dallas Sunday morning for a the ‘Celebrate Freedom Rally’. In his 30 minute speech, Pence spoke about the accomplishments made by President Trump and his administration.

“Under this president we have allowed Americans to keep more of what they’ve earned we have rolled back the heavy hand of federal red tape at historic pace we have unleashed the vast natural resources of this land and with that renewed freedom before the pandemic stuck american businesses large and small had created more than seven million jobs in our first three years,” said Pence.

Pence also took time to speak about riots that occurred across the country in response the death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody.

“Burning churches is not protest tearing down statues is not free speech there will be no tolerance for vandalism or violence in the United States and we will prosecute those who do it to the fullest existent of the law,” he said.

Before their scheduled meeting later in the afternoon, Pence took time to commend the Governor of Texas on the fight against COVID-19.

“as we work now to safely re open this state and this nation to put Americans back to work and to worship let me take this opportunity to commend governor Greg Abbott for his courageous and compassionate leadership for the people of Texas during this challenging time,” he said.

The Vice President’s arrival comes just days after Governor Abbott decided to halt the reopening of the state as cases continue to spike.

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