DAILY MAIL – (WBAP/KLIF) – Europe is readying for World War III. Amid increasing threats of worsening and or nuclear attacks by Russia against Western nations assisting Ukraine in it’s war against it, Russia’s announcement it has lowered the mark with which it would utilize nuclear attacks has prompted European nations into action.
Germany now says it will mobilize 800-thousand NATO troops, and has offered to serve as a logistical hub for all things war should a nuclear attack occur. Gernaby says it will transform itself into a NATO staging ground, hosting hundreds of thousands of NATO troops and ability to send huge amounts of equipment, food and medicine to the front.
The United States is now authorizing the use of, and sending to Ukraine, anti-personnel mines on the Ukraine front lines as well.
Nordic nations including Finland and Sweden are reminding citizens of their national defense obligations and notifying residents what to do in case of a nuclear attack.
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