TEXAS (WBAP/KLIF News ) – Monday, October 7th, is the last day to register to vote in Texas and advocates are encouraging all eligible residents to make sure their signed up.
Voters will cast ballots on key races including the presidential election, members of Congress, the Texas Legislature as well as other state and local issues.
The League of Women Voters Texas President Joyce LeBombard says they’ve been working hard to increase turnout and for good reason.
“Texas is almost always one of the lowest ranked states nationwide in terms of voter turnout,” she said.
The deadline has some local entities making the final push to get people signed up. Dallas County election officials are hosting a drive-thru registration event today at 1520 Round Table Drive from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
You can check the Texas Secretary of State’s website to find out if you’re registered to vote.
Mail in applications must be postmarked by today.
Election day is November 5th.