SOUTHLAKE (WBAP/KLIF News ) – Gateway Church has parted ways with yet another senior leader this week
Officials said Kemtal Glasgow, an executive pastor the church’s Southlake campus, was no longer employed by the church due to a quote “moral issue.”
The church did not elaborate on what the “moral issue” was.
In a statement posted in a YouTube video, church elder Tra Willbanks spoke fondly of Glasgow. “We love his family. We love his wife, his kids. And we want to come alongside them during this difficult time and help them find restoration and healing that they need as a family,” he said.
The announcement is the latest in a season of upheaval after the church’s senior pastor Robert Morris resigned on June 18 after Cindy Clemshire came forward with allegations he sexually abused her in the eighties when she was twelve years old.
Morris founded the church’s first Southlake location in 2000. His son, James, stepped down from his position as pastor in July.
Since then, several members of Gateway’s Board of Elders have also been asked to temporarily step down amid an investigation.
The church hired an outside legal team to look into the allegations in regards to who knew what and when. So far, no criminal charges have been filed.
Gateway Church settled two lawsuits in April and June of this year. One involved an alleged case of sexual abuse involving a minor and the plaintiff claimed it was covered up by several pastors.
The child’s mother filed the lawsuit which also claims pastors did not contact law enforcement, tried to discredit the allegations and encouraged an atmosphere of ostracization after she came forward with the accusations.
The church disputes claims that it tried to cover up the accusations or fail to report it to authorities, saying the incident did not happen on a Gateway campus or event but occurred between two teens during a sleepover at a family home.
The church states another teen told his mother, a Gateway staffer, about the incident and she reported to the “proper authorities within 48 hours.”
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