Copper Thieves Masquerading as Utility Workers Targeting Garland Power Lines

[Garland PD photo]

GARLAND (WBAP/KLIF News ) – Garland police are warning North Texans to be on the lookout for copper thieves as they note an increase in thefts of the metal in recent months.

In a public service message, Lieutenant Pedro Barineau said they’re going to great lengths to steal copper and often commit the crime in broad daylight.

“The criminals committing these crimes are doing it right before your eyes. They’ll go to any length using pole saws, hand saws, ladders, even climbing utility poles,” he said.

[Garland PD photo]

He said the thieves are often decked out in reflective vests and hard hats but are driving unmarked vehicles.

Authorities said the stolen copper is sold to recyclers at premium prices yet cause major service disruptions and financial burdens for the victims.

Garland PD is urging anyone to report suspicious activity by calling 9-1-1.

The push is part of the department’s “See Something, Say Something” campaign.

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