DALLAS – (WBAP/KLIF) – Former President Donald Trump is due to speak to the National Rifle Association conference attendees at 2 pm today/Saturday
In response, the Democratic National Committee has placed mobile billboards in Dallas outside of the venue, the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center. The billboards accuse Trump of putting the gun lobby ahead of Texas families.
They feature quotes the former president has made about recent gun violence and actions they argue show where his loyalty lies. The DNC points to remarks Trump made during an Iowa campaign stop after a school shooting left one dead, several injured. Trump his supporters to “move forward”.
The DNC’s Cameron Niven says the murder rate skyrocketed “after Trump chose to roll back reforms that made it easier for criminals to carry guns. If he returns to the White House, Trump will continue to put the NRA and gun lobby ahead of the safety of American families.
Trump enjoys strong backing from the NRA. The group is estimated to have spent about $30 million dollars in support of his presidential campaign in the last election cycle.
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