FORT WORTH – (WBAP/KLIF) – The National Weather Service reminds North Texans a wind chill advisory remains in effect today/Tuesday until 12 noon; the hard freeze warning, until 10 this morning/Tuesday.
Very cold wind chills as low as -10F have North Texas in its grips again today, which could result in hypothermia if precautions are not taken. Hypothermia can be deadly if not recognized and treated with warmth. The cold and it’s dangers will continue this evening, with a North Texas average low of 15F expected.
Shivering, slurred or mumbled speech; slow and shallow breathing, weak pulse, clumsiness and or lack of coordination. Further symptoms of hypothermia are confusion, memory loss, and as the condition grows more severe, loss of consciousness.
The National Weather Service reminds us prologed exposure to the cold can result in frost bite and lead to hypothermia and or loss of life for humans and animals if precautions are not taken; it’s advised you wear a hat and gloves and dress in layers to beat Mother Nature’s double punch of winter. Animals should be brought inside or to an insulated warm area.
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