European Union Reaches Deal to Handle Incoming Migrants.

TEXAS TRIBUNE – (WBAP/KLIF) – Much like American states bordering with Mexico, the European Union has reached a new deal on how to handle incoming migrants between its nations; the costs, and where they will be placed.

Under the new European Union system, countries not at the borders of EU countries will have a choice between accepting refugees, or paying into an EU fund to help pay expenses.

The EU, reaching agreement on new rules governing all things immigrants through the newly crafted “New Pact on Migration and Asylum” that is currently expected to take effect in 2024.

The laws would call for the screening of irregular migrants when they arrive in the European Union, procedures in the handling of applications for asylum, rules determining which EU nation will handle applications, and ways to handle immigrant crises.

European Union migrants numbered more than one million back in the peak of 2015, but lowered significantly to about a quarter million in 2020. More than half those “irregular” migrants arriving in European nations crossed the Mediterranean from from Africa to Malta or Italy.

Previous sticking points between EU nations rested with its eastern countries announcing an unwillingness to accept those arriving in Greece, Italy, and more. This new plan crafts a deal to choose between accepting them or paying into a fund to help pay for them. The new screening system proposed will also seek to distinguish between those in need of international protection and those who are not.

The deal also rules how people with low chances of success claiming asylum, including those from India, Tunisia and Turkey, can be prevented from even entering the EU, amid concern they could represent a threat to security.

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