Texas Senator Behind Legislation Aimed at Protecting Conservative Speech

(Photo: Bryan Hughes)

AUSTIN (WBAP/KLIF) – A Texas Senator is taking legislative action aimed at American Big Tech companies.

State Senator Bryan Hughes plans to file a bill that he says is intended to protect conservative speech. According to Hughes, there’s currently no protection on the books.

“When you’re blocked, when you’re de-platformed, when they won’t let you post, there’s nothing you can do,” Senator Hughes said. “You have no recourse at all.”

Hughes’ bill proposes that if a social media platform removes you over what he refers to as free speech, a Texan could sue them and be put back online. The bill comes after former President Trump was banned from Twitter, but according to Hughes every day conservative Americans are also targeted by Big Tech.

“Here in Austin, the Senate Republican Caucus had a Facebook ad of a beautiful, healthy little baby, and the ad said female Texas Republican Senators support the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act,” said Hughes. Facebook blocked that and they told us this would lead to a negative experience.”

The bill has garnered support from Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Senator Hughes plans to file the legislation next week.

Listen to Clayton Neville’s story below:

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