Soldiers Ingested Tainted Food – Two Critical

Fort Bliss, TX (AP) -Two soldiers at Fort Bliss are in critical condition due to food poisoning.

The U.S. Army says eleven soldiers were sickened after ingesting an unauthorized substance during a field training exercise at Fort Bliss in Texas.

A statement released Friday says two of the soldiers are in critical condition and all are being treated at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, where they have been since Thursday afternoon.

Fort Bliss says the soldiers “fell ill after consuming a substance acquired outside of authorized food supply distribution channels.”

It’s unclear what the substance was.

The Army says those sickened include “one warrant officer, two non-commissioned officers and eight enlisted men.

(Copyright 2021 WBAP/KLIF 24/7 News. This Report Contains Material From The Associated Press.)

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