It’s National Pearl Harbor Day, U.S. Military Remembers Those Who Lost Their Lives in the Attack

HONOLULU (AP) – Today, Monday, December 7th, marks the 79th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack.

While some officials gathered in Honolulu, Hawaii to honor those who were killed in the 1941 Japanese attack, no survivors attended due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Instead, the military live streamed video of the ceremony for survivors and the public.

101-year-old USS survivor Warren Upton told the Associated Press he wanted to be there but decided to stay home due to the pandemic.

A moment of silence was held at 7:55 a.m. when the attack occurred 79 years ago.

Members of the U.S. military were among those who paid homage to Pearl Harbor heroes online.

Copyright 2020. Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. WBAP contributed to this report.

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