Tarrant County Election Results; Van Duyne Declares Victory over District 24 Seat, Sheriff Bill Waybourn Re-Elected

HURST (WBAP/KLIF)- Beth Van Duyne Declares victory over Candace Valenzuela for the 24th Congressional Seat, though it hasn’t officially been called.

“We have every reason to believe we have won this race. Dallas County numbers are still out but we’ve done the math and at this time we don’t believe there’s enough votes to make up the margin. So we are going to go ahead and call it,” said Van Duyne.

Van Duyne told this to a crowd of Tarrant County voters at the GOP watch party event in Hurst.

“Tonight we have made history. I will have been the 2nd republican woman elected in the state of Texas and just like the first one, I’m a single mom, I’m a mayor and I believe in this state, in this district and this country,” she said

However, Valenzuela tweeted, “This race is too close to call and thousands of votes are still being counted. The campaign is committed to a full and complete count of all ballots so every vote is counted and every voice is heard.”

This has been a very close race, with a lot of money poured into it.

“We had 15million+ spent against us on attack ads. That’s not what our country is about. We have high values. We have high morals,” said Van Duyne.

“I don’t know what the future has to hold. I know that right now our country is very divided and this has been a very tight race. But once you get elected into these positions, you represent all of us,” she said.

With a big campaign push to turn Tarrant County blue, the County remains red with many Republican wins throughout the county.

Republican Sheriff Bill Waybourn wins re-election over Vance Keyes, a 20-year Fort Worth Police Officer.

Waybourn has faced criticism over a spike in COVID-19 deaths in his jail. However, he reminds everyone, of the four major counties in Texas, Tarrant County has the lowest crime rate as well as the smallest percentage of Covid-19 infections among inmates.

The county reclaims all 11 of their republican judges.

Republican Kay Granger wins re-election to the US house in Texas’s 12th congressional district.

Republican Jeff Cason wins the Texas house 96th congressional district which covers the Hurst, Euless, Bedford area.

Roger Williams (R) takes the lead over Julie Oliver (D) for District 25.

Michael Burgess (R) wins big over Carol Iannuzzi (D) for District 26.

Marc Veasey (D) defeats Fabian Vasquez (R) for District 33 by an over 70% lead.

Matt Krause (R) wins District 93 over Lydia Bean (D).

James Wright (R) defeats Chrysta Castaneda (D) for the Texas Railroad Commission.

Wendy Burgess (R) wins over Ollie Boss Anderson (D) for Tarrant County Tax Assessor/Collector.

Proposition A for Fort Worth ISD Passes by 52%.  The proposition calls for a 7.4% increase in property taxes, which will give the district an additional $66 million in tax revenue.
Some say the district needed the extra money for increased teacher pay and other PPE needed for Covid-19, others called it too expensive for homeowners.

For example, taxes on a $200,000 home will increase by almost $169.

Arlington voters approved increases in sales and property tax. The proposal will increase the sales tax rate to 8.25%, the highest allowed under state law and will supposedly be used to fund the city’s economic development corporation.
As for the property tax increase, that money is slated to go to the Arlington school district to fund staff salaries.
City leaders initially had this scheduled for the may ballot, but the election was pushed to November due to the Coronavirus.

For more Tarrant County Results Click Here.

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