Governor Greg Abbott Responds to Harris County Drive-Thru Vote Ruling, Says Texas Will Stay Red

AUSTIN  (WBAP/KLIF News) – Governor Greg Abbott is taking the ruling related to 127,000 drive-thru ballots in Harris County in stride after a federal judge ruled Monday the votes would be counted.

The method of voting was adopted as a safety precaution amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The ruling is the result of an effort by a Republican group who challenged the method claiming it violated the constitution but the argument failed to hold up in court.

Governor Abbott said he was not surprised because of the timing of the GOP effort was too close to the election.

“I am not worried about it because I know that Texans and their approach to the issues that are on the ballot right now…they strongly support the issues,” he said.

Those issues, according to Abbott, are taxes, jobs, police and judges.

The Governor said this situation has put election issues high up on his agenda.

“One thing that is going to be at the top of my agenda is that we improve election integrity laws,” said Abbott.

Drive-thru voting will be available in Harris County today. There had been nine drive-thru voting stations but officials have dwindled that down to one for safety reasons.

Despite the latest polling from the online sight FiveThirtyEight showing President Trump and his Democratic rival Joe Biden in a dead heat in Texas, Governor Abbott said he believes Texas will stay red.

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