Texas Federal Judge Rules that 127K Drive-In Ballots Cast in Harris County are Valid, Cannot be Thrown Out

HARRIS COUNTY(WBAP/KLIF)- About 127,000 drive-in votes in Harris County will be counted, per a ruling by a federal judge.
A group of Republicans challenged the voting method, claiming it violates the U.S constitution, but the argument didn’t hold up in court.

Governor Abbott said it was very unlikely that a court would throw out ballots on the eve of an election.

Harris County set up drive-thru voting for added safety during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Abbott said he’s okay with making voting more convenient, but maintains the legislature will take up more laws regarding election integrity next session.

“As the Governor, I’m not afraid of people voting I want people to go vote I want to see a high voter turnout,” said Abbott.

Drive thru voting will be open in Harris county on Election day.

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