League of Women Voters of Texas Urges Voters to Continue Casting Record Numbers of Ballots Election Day

AUSTIN (WBAP/KLIF News) – Election day is tomorrow and politicians, advocacy groups and election officials are making their final pitch for Texans to continue to show up in record numbers at the polls.

When early voting closed Friday, more than nine million votes had been cast in Texas.

The numbers shattered the total vote count in the 2016 election by more than 700,000 votes.

That’s good news to the League of Women Voters of Texas.

Grace Chimene, LWVT president, said there was a significant increase in voter registration and enthusiasm this year.

The league makes a point to educate residents on why their vote matters.

“Make your voice heard in this election. There is a big difference between the people who are running and you can compare the candidates and see which side your most aligned with,”  said Chimene.

She said it’s important for voters to remember the importance of staying informed about local elections in addition to the presidential candidates.

“Whether it’s the mayor, city council, the sheriff, school districts often have the school board elections. Those are all important to your daily life to your family,” said Chimene.

Political analysts said this election cycle, Texans are concerned about the coronavirus pandemic, healthcare, their jobs and the climate.

LWVT urges anyone who wants to get information on candidates and their views on key issues to go to the non-partisan voters guide at VOTE411.org .

Experts predict when the polls close Tuesday, more than 12 million Texans will be among the projected 150 million Americans to have voted in the presidential election.

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