Supporters for Dallas Judge Eric Moye Rally Outside Courthouse

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF)- Supporters for a judge who jailed a Dallas salon owner for Contempt of Court rallied outside the George Allen Courthouse Monday afternoon.

Dallas Judge Eric Moye received criticism and support for sentencing Dallas salon owner Shelley Luther to jail for contempt of court after she kept her salon open amid Coronavirus restrictions

Protesters criticized state leaders and said they are at fault for supporting Luther and not Moye. “Judge Moye followed the law and he bent over backwards to get her out of this mess and she chose not to do so,” said Jasmine Crockett Dallas Attorney and Candidate for State Representative 100. “I want to get back to a time to when politicians were honest and worked for the people…Judge Moye didn’t do anything wrong,” said Crockett.

Crockett believes Judge Moye’s ruling will stand because she violated a court order and Governor Greg Abbott’s modified executive order had nothing to do with her sentence. Crockett believes Luther will have to go back to jail to finish out her sentence.

Other supporters for Judge Moye argued race played a factor. “This is white supremacy from powerful white leaders who are trying to undermine the rule of law because it happened to be applied properly to a white woman,” said Dallas citizen John Fullinwider. “Judge Moye is the only one in this whole thing who has acted honorably. Luther could’ve avoided jail by simply apologizing to the court,” he said.

Luther spoke at rally over the weekend about getting rid of Judge Moye. “We need to keep an eagle eye on him at all times or we just get rid of him, so let’s do that,” she said.

Her supporters say Moye’s ruling was a bad abuse of power.

The court ordered to released Luther last week after Governor Abbott modified his executive order to remove jail time as a punishment for violating the order. Luther spent two days in jail.

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