Dallas Salon to Reopen Despite Coronavirus Restrictions

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) – Despite a statewide stay at home order, it’s back to business on Friday for a Dallas salon.​

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is expected to loosen restrictions on many businesses next month but one salon owner isn’t waiting any longer.

Shelley Luther owns Salon A La Mode in North Dallas, which has been shutdown since the county ordered only essential business to stay open amid the coronavirus pandemic. But Luther said Thursday she’s struggling to pay bills and has to reopen.
“I’m having to make a decision on whether to pay for my mortgage or to pay the salon lease,” said Luther. “I chose to pay the salon lease because my nineteen stylists are more important.”
Luther said she applied for federal small business loans but was denied.
“I applied for the two SBA loans, and I applied for unemployment but have not received a stimulus check,” Luther said. “I have received zero income from the government and I applied the first days possible that we were allowed to.”
According to Luther, she’s received hundreds of messages on Facebook to schedule appointments, but not all feedback has been positive.
“I’ve even had someone say they want to burn the salon down but I knew that would come with the territory,” said Luther. “But I’m going to stand up for what’s right.”

According to the county and state order, Luther could face a fine or jail time, but insists she won’t shutdown.

“That defeats the purpose of opening in the first place and it lets them know that anytime someone stands up they can just shut you down,” Luther said.

The salon will require all stylists to wear masks and gloves and will not allow customers inside without a mask. Unless a customer is getting their hair or nails done they will be asked to wait in the car until their scheduled appointment time.

Listen to Clayton Neville’s story below:

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