DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF)- The Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center is calling on the community to notice signs of child abuse and report it.
Sarah Burns with DCAC said schools are a safe haven for many children suffering abuse and with schools closed due to COVID-19, teachers are not there to notice and intervene. “We anticipate to see more child abuse cases once they are reported but unless they are reported and worse case scenario, they come through a hospital, we won’t know about it,” said Burns.
She is encouraging neighbors, friends or other family members to take notice. “If you’re FaceTiming friends or family and you don’t see a child or they are reluctant to interact with an adult in their home, just pick up on some of these clues,” said Burns.
Free online training is available for Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and for Keeping Your Child Safe in the Real and Digital World. For more information on how you can access training or simply donate to support DCAC, visit dcac.org/covid19
Hear Kat Boonzaier’s story here: