Town of Little Elm Raising Funds to Build Public Safety Honor Park

LITTLE ELM (WBAP/KLIF)- It’s been over 2 years since Little Elm Police Department lost one of their own in the line of duty. On January 17, 2017 Detective Jerry Walker was killed. “This was a massive blow to our small town… someone who grew up in this community and served this community for so long,” Mayor David Hillock said. This was the first loss of a Little Elm Police Officer or Firefighter in the line of duty. Now the city is asking for community and business funds to build a park, to honor Walker and well as several officers who risk their lives everyday to protect ours. “We wanted to do something to honor his sacrifice as well as any officer who’s sacrifice may be given in the future,” Hillock said.

Now the patch of land across from Town Hall next to the Public Safety Complex will have a new purpose. “Every time an officer or firefighter pulls out of the complex they’ll be reminded of how much the community supports and honors what they do,” Hillock said.

The park will have a garden, seating areas and a sheep dog statue to illustrate how some people are willing to risk their safety to protect others.


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