Denton (WBAP/KLIF) – Someone in Denton County has come down with the measles. Denton County Public Health says it’s identifying and contacting individuals who may have been exposed. Right now, this case is not linked to any other measles cases. No other information is being released to protect the person’s identity.
“Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent measles,” stated Dr. Matt Richardson, Director of Public Health. “Unfortunately, people think that measles is just a rash and fever but measles can cause serious health concerns, especially in young children, and is highly contagious. Vaccination is incredibly effective at protecting those we love from this infection.
The CDC states measles is a highly contagious virus that spreads through the air via coughing and sneezing. Measles starts with fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes, and sore throat followed by a rash that spreads over the body. Measles is so contagious that if one person has it, 90% of the people close to that person who are not yet immune could become infected. As a highly contagious infection, measles can live in an airspace where an infected person was for up to two hours. Measles can be transmitted to others from four days prior to four days after the rash appears.
DCPH will continue to monitor and investigate any measles concerns within Denton County. If you have any signs or symptoms of measles ou’re being urged to contact your doctor before you visit.