Dallas (WBAP/KLIF) – Dallas SWAT officers were called to a home in East Dallas near John West Road. Officers shot and killed a man who was reportedly shooting his gun after a disturbance call last night.
In a brief statement Dallas Police Major Maxx Geron said officers responded to what he described as a ‘civil standby’ in the 3200 block of Bellville Drive around 9:15 las night.
“When officers arrived they heard gunfire coming from a residence and they called for an officer assist. SWAT officers were called to the scene and they were engaged by a black male suspect who was firing a weapon. SWAT officer returned fire striking the suspect.”
The suspect died on the scene.
The call came in around 9:15 last night when a 60-year old man was reportedly kicking his niece out of a home, but not allowing her to retrieve her belongings.
No officers were hurt. An investigation continues.
#ICYMI Dallas SWAT officers were called to a home in East Dallas near John West Road. Officers shot and killed a man who was reportedly shooting his gun after a disturbance call last night. More on @WBAP247NEWS @570KLIF pic.twitter.com/LhKBk0Rp0z
— Scott Sidway (@ScottyWK) May 3, 2018
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