DFW Region Named on Amazon’s Short List for Second Headquarters

(WBAP/KLIF) – The DFW Region was named by Amazon Thursday as one of 20 markets for additional consideration as the location of its second headquarters.

The tech giant announced the short list of 20 possible cities for the new campus Thursday morning. They narrowed the bids from more than 230 cities across the country.

Here are the Contenders:

Atlanta, GA
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Columbus, OH
Denver, CO
Indianapolis, IN
Los Angeles, CA
Miami, FL
Montgomery County, MD
Nashville, TN
Newark, NJ
New York City, NY
Northern Virginia, VA
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Raleigh, NC
Toronto, ON
Washington D.C.

The company hasn’t said which of the 35 separate proposals from our area made the cut, or if the combination bid from Dallas and Fort Worth is the one Amazon is looking at.

The Wall Street Journal has named Dallas its top pick for Hq2. However, some odds makers are putting Dallas Fort Worth at as much as 20 to 1 odds.

The Dallas Regional Chamber and the Fort Worth Chamber worked together to deliver the regional-level data and information that was requested by Amazon.

 “The DFW Region’s unified submittal was diligent, thoughtful and comprehensive in responding to the specific questions outlined in the Amazon RFP and gave us a chance to showcase the many reasons DFW has been such a strong and growing business community over the past eight years,” said Mike Rosa, senior vice president of economic development at the Dallas Regional Chamber. “We’re proud of the great work done by our regional cities and leaders. We’re looking forward to the next steps and are in direct contact with Amazon to begin that process.”

Amazon is expected to make its final decision sometime this year.

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