Senator Introduces Bill to Abolish Dallas County Schools

Dallas (WBAP/KLIF News) – State Senator Don Huffines (R-Dallas) has introduced a bill that would eliminate Dallas County Schools. Dallas County Schools is the bus provider for 60 percent of the counties’ districts.

“Everyone in the county pays their taxes,” Huffines says. “You’ve got 40 percent of the county subsidizing the other 60 percent.”

Huffines says drivers for Dallas County have dropped kids off late, causing students to miss breakfast and class time. He also says Dallas County Schools’ finances have spiraled out of control.

“The time for reform is long since gone,” he says. “The situation is very dire.”

Dallas County Schools says it provides transportation for 76,000 kids every day. School Board President Larry Duncan says Dallas County and 13 other districts could lose $19.5 million in funding.

“That’s going to have to be offset by the school districts that we serve,” Duncan says.

Duncan says Dallas County Schools has hired a financial adviser, and Huffines has not outlined a plan to help districts meet the need for transportation.

“They’re trying to end public education as we know it,” he says. “Public education is what built the strongest middle class the world has ever seen.”

Last year, Dallas County Schools fired 13 drivers for running red lights.

(Copyright 2017 WBAP/KLIF News. All rights reserved)

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