Fort Worth police respond to suspicious clown call

Fort-Worth-Police-DepartmentFORT WORTH (WBAP/KLIF News) — Fort Worth Police responded to a call late Sunday night involving screams in a residential neighborhood and somebody in a clown costume.

A resident near Melanie Lane around i-35W and Western Center reported the supposed clown running down the sidewalk and yelling, but police could not find the person in question. As a result, no report was filed.

Suspicious clown activity has been a trend across the country, ranging from clowns wandering roads to making threats on schools. A Facebook group called “Ain’t Clownin Around” made a post last week threatening to kidnap high school students and kill teachers as they walked to their cars, but the group has since been taken down. In Ohio, schools were closed for a day after a woman was assaulted by a man in a clown costume who also made threats on local schools.

A Fort Worth ISD officials declined comment on the threats, saying the phenomenon has been happening since summer and that they don’t give credibility to rumors.

The social media page “DFW Scanner” posted on Facebook that they have received dozens of messages regarding suspicious clown activity in North Texas. Another woman on Facebook claimed to have seen two men in clown costumes looking in car windows at a Fort Worth Target parking lot.


In August, kids in South Carolina reported they were being lured by clowns into nearby woods, but similar to the Fort Worth call, nobody has found the supposed clowns.



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