Heat Injuries Are Dangerous, Even Deadly


Dallas (WBAP/KLIF News) – Working or playing in the extreme heat can be hazardous, and even deadly. If you’re not careful, you can get sick in a number of ways, starting with heat cramps.

“Then it moves into what we call heat exhaustion – dizziness, headaches, irritability,” says Dr. Jon Pease with Parkland Hospital.  “The most severe is heat stroke, that’s where you’re confused, your pulse is weak, you can go into seizures and lose consciousness.”

In extreme cases, heat stroke can cause brain damage and death.

He says it’s not enough just to drink water, you also have to replace the salt you lose, and sports drinks are a good way to do that.

It’s also important to keep an eye on your kids or co-workers, to make sure they’re not in trouble.  Dr. Pease says if you see someone acting strangely or confused, get them into the shade, or the AC if possible.  Make sure they’re drinking water, and if they can’t, call 911 as soon as possible.  Cool them down with wet towels or ice if you have it.

But even if you’re drinking plenty of fluids, replacing your electrolytes, and resting often, sunburn can still ruin your day.  Dr. Pease says everyone can burn, so it’s important                                                                         to use sunscreen of at least SPF 30, and keep reapplying it if you’re sweating a lot, or in and out of the water.

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