Freda Ross 5/27/16; It’s Just a Card

fredaI took an unexpected trip down memory lane this week.

I was sorting through boxes in my garage and found pictures of old boyfriends and greeting cards from family, college friends and my ex-husband. It’s amazing how finding things that were once take you back in time.

Unfortunately because of technology people don’t really send/give cards anymore. Since I held on to so many it’s almost like I knew this day would come.

Greeting cards have always been a big part of my life. I think it’s a gesture that let’s someone know you took a little extra time to make them feel special. I know most people just throw them away, but to me getting rid of them is like saying thanks, but this doesn’t really mean anything to me.

It was fun to read what people wrote. There were cards of encouragement when I was going through a time of self doubt, congratulations about major life accomplishments and condolences over the loss of a loved one.

They are small gestures from many years ago that still had an impact today. So thanks to the many family and friends who expressed your sentiments with cards, pictures and letters. They meant something then and surprisingly mean even more now.


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