Dallas Crime Rate is Up Over 2015, But Down Since March


DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF News) – The not so good news…the murder rate so far in 2016 is 11 higher than at this time last year. Dallas police chief David Brown presented the DPD’s crime report to the City Council’s Public Safety Committee.

“In the murder category, actually year-to-date, there were 50 murders at the end of April (2015),” said Brown.  “As of this report, there are 61.”
But the good news, says Brown, that since March, when crimes across the board spiked, the numbers are down. He says moves like increasing foot patrols, increasing overtime, and re-arranging work schedules have done a great job in cutting down in the numbers.

IMAG0285[1]Another issue facing the department is officer attrition.  Brown says so far this year, they’ve lost 135, and hired on 75.  He says often, younger officers join the departments of other cities, where the pay is better.

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