26 year old Chris Harper Mercer shot up a class at the Umpqua
Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, killing nine before taking his
own life.
He had four weapons — three handguns and one assault weapon. Also,
he was a student in the class and after killing his professor, he
asked each of his fellow students if they were Christian. If so,
he told them they would be meeting Jesusin a minute. Insane!!!
Question is, “what new gun laws do we impose to keep
all these senseless killings from taking place”?
Well, the way I see it, while I don’t have an assault weapon, I do have
several guns, including a Smith and Wesson .50 caliber pistol that is so
accurate that I can hit a canary in the butt from 300 yards out but of
course I wouldn’t. Also, I love going to the shooting range as well as
the country just to shoot.
So, there is no way I’m giving up my weapons, number one, for protection
of my family and secondly enjoyment but then again I’m not
mentally challenged, let me tell it.
So what are lawmakers to do to solve this problem? What kind of anti-gun
laws can you impose that would make a difference?
The real question is “how to tell if someone is off-balance and that it’s
okay to sell them a weeapon?
Well, unless you have checked their mental status or their Facebook Page
where they usually post something before they carry out a heinous deed,
you have no way of knowing and guns are issued….assault weapons and all.
So the answer to the question, “How can all these senseless shootings
be stopped by new gun control laws?
The answer, they can’t. Realistically, there is nothing we can do. We just have to
be ready.