Affidavit Says Head Wound Killed Woman in Midlothian Church

church-murderMIDLOTHIAN, Texas (AP) – Investigators say a fitness instructor found dead at a North Texas church died of a head wound, and they suspect a person seen on surveillance video clad in a police jacket and helmet used an unknown object to cause the wound.

The findings on the death of Terri “Missy” Bevers are contained in a Midlothian police affidavit. The affidavit was submitted Monday to obtain a search warrant to seize and search the truck the 45-year-old Red Oak woman drove early Monday to Creekside Church of Christ in Midlothian, 20 miles southwest of Dallas, where she was to teach an exercise class.

Surveillance video showed a person inside the church minutes before her arrival.

Federal and state agents have been asked to assist the investigation.

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